Seminar on Enabling Competitiveness

Seminar on Enabling Competitiveness in Apparel Sector and Launch of Compendium for Good Management Practices-30th August, 2019
Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC), the nodal organization for promoting apparel trade, with the objective of positioning India as a responsible sourcing destination, had partnered with the International Labour Organization (ILO) to study the global good practices and to identify some key practices which can be encouraged for adoption by Indian apparel manufacturers to ensure growth in business in a good-sustainable-inclusive way.
We are happy to share that based on extensive domestic and international studies on prevailing and successful practices at the workplaces, a one-of-its-kind Good Management Practices compendium has been developed with broad focus areas comprising Workplace Co-operation, Quality, Productivity, Clean Production, Workforce Management, & Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
The project aims to benchmark apparel industry production, management practices and profitability to global standards. Based on the practices adopted, the participating units would be benefited with the time & cost saving as indicated in the compendium.  
The compendium for Good Management Practices is being launched on 30th  of August 2019 
In the launch various sessions to capture policy requirements & expectations of various stakeholders has been conducted as per schedule mentioned below.

Session I: Strategies for developing enabling policy framework for promoting long term competitiveness
            Moderator: Mr. Sudhir Kumar, Adviser, NITI Aayog

Session II: Learning’s from Industry Initiatives and Experiences
Moderator: Mr. Sudhir Garg, Joint Secretary, Dept. of MSME

Session III: Presentation on the Good Practices Manual