PDEXCIL Reverse Buyer & Seller Meet

PDEXCIL Reverse Buyer & Seller Meet 5-7th March 2020 at NESCO Mumbai (India)


The Powerloom Development & Export Promotion Council (PDEXCIL), set up by Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India for the purpose of developing and promoting exports of powerloom products is organizing India International Textiles Expo (IITExpo Mumbai 2020) an International Reverse Buyer Seller Meet (RBSM) from 5th to 7th March 2020, at Nesco, Bombay Exhibition Center, Mumbai wherein potential buyers & importers from abroad will be invited to the exhibition. This event is being organized under Market Access Initiative (MAI) scheme of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India.


PDEXCIL has been organizing such international events in India and abroad successfully. The immediate previous such event in India was “Ind-Texpo 2019” held during January, 2019, which was a great success in terms of participation of potential buyers from abroad and business generation.  About 80 leading Indian companies will be exhibiting/showcasing the latest range of yarn, textile fabrics, industrial fabrics, specialty fabrics, made-ups & home textiles like Bed linen, Kitchen linen, Bath Linen, Living & Dining linen, Technical Textiles, Apparels & Accessories etc., before the visiting foreign buyers.  Thus the visiting buyers will have an unique opportunity to see the latest products of leading textile companies under one roof. To participate this 2020 edition of the Reverse BSM at Mumbai the following officials may be contacted.


Ms. Lavany Saxena Assistant Director PDEXCIL : 09892886912


Mr.Abhijit Neve, Assistant Director PDEXCIL : 09890023376

Website: www.pdexcil.org