Organizing Buyer Seller Meets ( http://www.aepcindia.com/events )
Spearheading trade delegations to potential markets.
Participation in specialized international fairs. ( http://www.aepcindia.com/mai-mda-supported-events )
Organizing seminars
Integrating skill human resource development through its Education & Training initiatives like Apparel Training & Design Centres (http://www.aepcindia.com/aepc-initiative) and Institutes of Apparel Management (http://www.aepcindia.com/skill-assessment)
Disseminating information to trade through publishing a monthly magazine, "Apparel India" ( http://www.aepcindia.com/resource-center )
AEPC's website, (www.aepcindia.com ) provides detailed info on policies, data, events, schemes as also database on suppliers and buyers.
AEPC's publications like Country Reports and Market Focus Reports are available to members in CD at concessional rates.
A well equipped library (in Mumbai and Gurgaon) with over 100 latest fashion related and valuable market trend publications is available to the trade members for their reference.
AEPC's media cell (http://www.aepcindia.com/media-center)
Conducting market surveys and providing market intelligence through various cluster studies, research reports & journals.
Exploring new markets and identifying items of export potential (Already undergoing a New Product Development Scheme for Trade under MoC).
Developing new markets for existing products through various export promotion activities like Road shows, leading trade delegations, etc.