India’s top garment Industry leaders hail Textile Policy of Bihar, show interest to start manufacturing in Bihar

Fri, 2024-07-19

Apparel Export Promotion Council


India’s top garment Industry leaders hail Textile Policy of Bihar, show interest to start manufacturing in Bihar


 Patna/New Delhi, 19th July 2022: Big Industrialists and exporters of the Garments Industry said that the Textile Policy of Bihar is one of the best in the country. Promoters of Trendsetter International, Richa Global, Shahi Exports, Texport Industries, Pearl Global, Poppys, Kaytee Corporations, Texport Industries, Jyothi Apparel, Neeti Clothing, Fashion Neats, etc. other prominent leaders of the garments sector attended Textiles Investors Meet held today at Patna and have shown their interest in Bihar. Some of the big industrialists of the country went for an industry visit and saw the facilities in operational factories at Muzaffarpur, Bihar. Shri Giriraj Singh, Union Textiles Minister & Shri Vijay Kumar Sinha, Deputy Chief Minister Bihar, Shri Nitish Mishra, Industry Minister of Bihar graced the occasion.


Addressing all the big industrialists and exporters of textiles and garments in Union Textiles Minister Shri Giriraj Singh Said, “Please see Bihar as a destination for RMG manufacturing and textiles hub. If RMG manufacturing comes here others in the value chain i.e spinning and processing, etc. will join the fray.” This is one of the highest employment generating sector with an investment of 1 crore this sector has potential to generate immediate employment of 50 to 70 persons, he added.


Minister noted that, Bihar will be gateway to North- East and investment in the state will also generate huge opportunity in employment. Further, Shri Singh advised the state government to come up with revenue sharing model for few centres and develop it to saturation focusing on one cluster at a time.


Shri Vijay Kumar Sinha, Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, in his remark stated that, “Bihar is land of Bhakti, Sakthi and Mukti…he praised the presence of large number of entrepreneurs who are willing to explore the possibility of investing in the state.” He said we will be more than eager to welcome any investment in the state.


Shri Nitish Mishra, Industry Minister of Bihar in his address said, “Bihar is offering plug and play and attractive policy incentives to the investors. Come to Bihar we will give you all kinds of facilitation. He further said that the efficiency of workers will increase when they are closer to home. Minister thanked RMG industrialists for the visit in large numbers.


 Speaking at the Investor Meet Chairman AEPC, Shri Sudhir Sekhri, said “The garment exports from Bihar in the year 2023-24 registered  a growth of 58.6%, while India registered a decline of 10.2% in the same period. This indicates that Bihar state has a huge potential in apparel manufacturing and exports. However, we must also note that the share of Bihar in India’s total apparel exports was only .09% while earlier it was only .05%. Chairman AEPC appealed to all the industrialists to explore the option of investing in Bihar and make use of the facilitative policies and supportive business ecosystem.


The ‘Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Policy (Textile and Leather Policy), 2022’, is undoubtedly a great policy and I would also like to express my gratitude for the support provided and bringing a facilitative policy. Apparel exporters certainly want to rely more and more on domestic supply chains so that the ambitious ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan’ launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji can be implemented in letter and spirit, Chairman AEPC added.


Further, Chairman AEPC remarked, the apparel sector across the country, including at Tirupur, Surat, Ahmedabad, Mumbai and Chandigarh, employ a large number of skilled and semi-skilled workers hailing from the state of Bihar. The local availability of those semi-skilled and skilled workers will lead to saving costs in the manufacturing process.


Chairman AEPC observed, the policy places emphasis on disbursement of subsidies and incentives on time, single window clearance which has always been a major issue in the industry. Timely payment will lead to smoother availability of working capital, critical for SMEs (small and medium enterprises).


Industrialists gathered in the Textiles Investors Meet organized by the Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) praised the policy of Bihar and the steps taken for the industrialization of the State.

